Thursday, May 15, 2008

When gas prices cut into your bottom line

Rising gas prices affect us all, but they affect some people's jobs (and therefore bottom lines) more directly than others.

We passed a taxi the other day that had been painted green. It was a Prius with a banner on it that proclaimed it a “green taxi”. I'm pretty sure that one reason for using a Prius as a taxi instead of the more standard Crown Victoria is to save money on gas. It makes sense.

With diesel at $4-something a gallon, I'd hate to be a truck driver right about now. It's got to be difficult to watch your net income decrease with each passing month, even though you're doing the same amount of work. (Or more.)

Then there are the pizza delivery drivers. I know someone who quit a part-time pizza delivery job because it was no longer worth it when taking the price of gas into account.

Oil and gas affect our lives in so many more ways than most of us realize. It's scary. We'll probably become more and more aware of just how big an effect they have as the years go on.

How are rising prices affecting you?

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