Thursday, April 10, 2008

2008 BAH rates will be available next week

I never quite understand why it takes so long for the Basic Allowance for Housing rates to be published. Base pay figures are usually available by October of the preceding year, but BAH tables aren't available until mid-December. It can make it very difficult for incoming families to decide where to live, as they don't know if the BAH will adjust downwards before they arrive or not. It can also complicate the decision whether or not to move into base housing in the face of higher rents. Plus, it's just plain annoying for people who are trying to create a budget for 2008. Why all the suspense? I'm ready to know!

Anyway, a week from now or so, you'll want to head over to the official pentagon site to see if your new housing rates have been published. The site will undoubtedly crash due to high visitor volume (as it happened in 2005 AND 2006), but eventually it will work pretty well. Other sites like also publish tables, but I'm more trusting of the actual Pentagon page.

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